
Showing posts from September, 2010

40 years old

          How I feel today in my 40 years old? I feel happy, accomplished and grateful to God, my family, my confers, my friends, by the way are many who passed through my life. During these 40 years I had moments of joy and sadness, health and pain, doubt and faith, hate and love, and union disagree, but one thing I can say that I had not, solitude. when I was away from my family God has placed angels who always cares for me. I thank God that He will always have looked for me all those years and for giving me my best present Jordan to the great love me now, today early in the morning I prayed the rosary and asked interecessao of Our Lady that God give me 40 years to life in Jordan, I believe that just as Moses who walked 40 years to find the promised land I stepped on the land of my dreams. Today I celebrate my 40 years with my family, my great friends who always supported me, but also want to celebrate with all the people I love in my mission in Jordan. Thank you Lord for this

My Sister's Birthday

Today was another reason for a family meeting, my sister is doing 33 years old at the party were my brother Jacques and his family, my brother Joe, my cousin and her family Dirlene. It was just a simple party for family and close friends of my sister. We danced samba and of course drink lots of beer with a delicious dinner. My dear sister Gesiane I wish a happy birthday to you.

The arrival.

         After 17 hours of travel from Jordan to Brazil I arrived at the international airport of Sao Paulo on September 1, At the airport I met with Fr Provincial Aparecido, I ask him to help me go to the bus station, where Sao Paulo I went to the city of my brothers and my aunt, it was with a total of 29 hours of travel. I Got today in the city of my family that calls Lins, but I could not sleep, I was soon to visit some people and the night my aunt Marly, gave a reception party for the whole family, where we can talk and tell the news, drink lots of beer and then I ended the night swimming in the pool with my nephews..