AGM - Annual General Meeting - 2009

AGM'09 (87)" On Wednesday 29th July, the Sons of Divine Providence in England held their AGM.  It started with a Mass celebrated by Fr. Gerard O'Collins SJ, a famous Australian theologian who was flanked by 12 other priests, some from the Congregation and some visitors.

After the Mass there was an exposition of the SDP's work in England in the last year and a presentation of the financial situation.  Because of the credit crunch the accounts were not as healthful as they usually are, but trust in Divine Providence is of the essence.

Our local MP, Dr. Vincent Cable gave an interesting talk about how the credit crunch would affect the care sector in future years, and the government policy of care in the community.  He warned us that we had to be vigilant about euthanasia, because the population in the UK is aging fast and not being replaced by younger people.  This had necessitated the government  bringing  in many foreign workers to fill the demands for jobs.

After the business of the day was over, everyone was invited to the inner garden of Orione House were abundant refreshments were served, and people had the possibility of chatting to old friends and making new ones."

by Fr. Philip Kehoe


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